If you met Max, Mitchell, Caleb and Russell at a surf tourney or skateboard competition you would have no idea the success they’ve achieved. In fact, you’d probably peg them for regular dudes just hangin’ out. What you’d miss is the entrepreneurial spirit of these four regular dudes to come together and start a ‘Chill Movement.’
The idea was born on a surf trip to Australia after college. Max had thoughts of a unique beverage, one that wouldn’t amp you up but chill you out. Using all natural ingredients like Lemongrass, Magnesium and L-Theanine; an amino acid found in Green Tea, Max and his buddies decided that the world needed a little less caffeine and a lot more calm. Naming it ‘Just Chill’ they raised money through a Angel investor to manufacture the first batch of three flavors. Fast forward four years and you’ll find Rio Berry, Jamaican Citrus and Tropical Just Chill at your local Whole Foods Market as well as 15 other grocers across the United States.
“We are literarily creating a completely new beverage category,” says Russell, “that goes against the mainstream notion that performance is correlated with high levels of energy stimulated by caffeine intake. Instead we are spreading the message of The Power of Calm, by showing people that you actually perform best in your life when you are calm and focused.”
Using what they call ‘guerilla marketing,’ they have partnered up with other startups in their Venice Beach area to help promote each other’s business. “We like to work with other liked minded young people who are excited about growing their business,” says Mitchell, the Marketing Director for Just Chill. “Plus it’s great to meet other people who are morally motivated instead of monetarily motivated.”
Two minutes with these guys and you’ll see the spirit and dedication in their eyes. What’s also refreshing is that they all could have easily hit the beach after graduating from college during a recession but instead looked for an opportunity to build a business that affected people in a positive way. I lift my ‘Chill Tini’ to these Zen’ed out boys and look forward to seeing more deliciousness from them in the future.