
If you have the pleasure of meeting Katrina you may find yourself at a loss for words, as her beauty just about takes your breath away. Spend a moment or two with her and you realize quickly... Read More

What kind of sacrifices have you made in this down economy? Did you loose your job? Did you scale back on your Starbucks visits? Were you not affected at all? These are the questions Aaron set... Read More

Positive change comes in all shapes and sizes. For this 27 year old minor league baseball player, it came when he started helping other people. A pet project in his garage, Vance began what he... Read More

What do you do when you turn 30 and you don’t really want to buy that house in the suburbs? Do you dare listen to your heart’s desire to travel the world on motorcycle or do you give in to... Read More


Most of us have lost things along the way in our lives. Perhaps it’s that missing sock you knew went into the dryer but never made it out. Maybe it’s that friend you lost touch with because of... Read More

“I know I have malignant cells in me right now that are multiplying,” says Catherine, “but I’ve learned to live with it.” Diagnosed 5 years ago with a rare form of Leukemia, Catherine manages... Read More

What does a Russian model and a Poly Sci major have in common? They have a camera, a really beautiful dress and an island in Vietnam. Where was Alvin before he was making beautiful pictures of... Read More

Not a lot of people understand epilepsy, the causes of it and how it can profoundly affect someone’s life. When I met Corey, I was interested in learning more. He had such a gentle, kind and... Read More


If you’ve read ‘The Tipping Point’ it is easy to understand what kind of person Matt Bedrosian is. He is what the author refers to as a ‘connector’ —someone who thrives on connecting others for... Read More

Ask anyone on the trails of Runyon Canyon about Julia and they will either know her or know of her. Leading a pack of 8 to 10 dogs, 2 to 3 times a day will draw some attention especially if you’... Read More

Leaving at dusk everyday and consistently logging 80 hour work weeks, Chris provided for his family working a job in the financial world. Dreaming of early retirement Chris plotted and planned... Read More

Several years ago, Glenn traded the bitter chill of the San Francisco bay wind for the gentle, warm breeze of the Pacific Ocean making Manhattan Beach California his new home. Taking a job with... Read More

Before I visited Bali for the first time, I’d heard about it from several people. They gushed about the beauty there and the peacefulness of the people. Many said if I went, I wouldn’t want to... Read More


When my friends told me about Joseph’s gourmet sausage joint downtown and how it was packed from morning to night, needless to say I was surprised. A business packed 24/7 in this economy I... Read More

If you met Max, Mitchell, Caleb and Russell at a surf tourney or skateboard competition you would have no idea the success they’ve achieved. In fact, you’d probably peg them for regular dudes... Read More

Someone once said that in order to succeed you have to have four things: “passion, vision, purpose, and a plan.” Rusty found out he had them all, but the realization came from an unlikely source... Read More

Amy learned the hard way that life is about change. “I was widowed at 30. That taught me a lot about how short life can be. It’s just not worth it to stay in a job that isn’t making you happy.”... Read More

Upon first meeting Jared, I was quickly taken in by his smile and exuberant personality. Bouncy and animated, he began to explain an important volleyball hit by motioning with his arm and... Read More


Logging over 80 hours a week consistently for a marketing company Kortney was feeling the burn out. Getting laid off couldn’t have come at a better time, although during the transition fear and... Read More

With a nickname like Mohawk Matt, you wouldn’t think this man spent over 25 years working as the Chief Marketing Officer for a global company. In fact you’d place him more as a downtown LA... Read More

Don’t be surprised if this guy shows up in just about everything very, very soon. A young, but studied actor, Nate landed in Southern California 4 years ago in search of those coveted roles.... Read More

If you met Angela at a party, you would have no idea what she’s endured in her short life. Her beauty, witty sense of humor and big smile would lead you to believe she was completely happy with... Read More


Hair and make up artist extraordinaire and real estate agent husband had found themselves trying almost a year to get pregnant. Entertaining the idea of adoption, Jenny and Kevin remained... Read More

An agency sourcing creative talent was lucky enough to snare Sabrina. Unbelievably connected to people in a genuine and knowing way, Sabrina forged headstrong into her resources and connected... Read More

When Brittney made a wish one night with her new husband Hunter, over a perfectly broken down the middle wishbone, she never could have imagined what would happen next. She talks fondly of their... Read More

Spend ten minutes with Gina and Steven and be reminded of the dedication and joy that being in love brings. She lays a gentle hand on him to check in, he gives her a tender squeeze and a knowing... Read More

About the currency project

The Currency Project challenges us all to see the beauty through the pain, the positive that can come from a negative and the heartbreak that can turn into a new beginning. Life is uncertain but our faith, hope and love can never be taken from us. Our true currency in life is what we make it.